Carrie’s Favorite Props for Resting


Best Bolsters

My absolute favorite brand is this Hugger Mugger version. If you are using this bolster a lot, this brand will last you forever! A more affordable option can be found here, however I find this version to be slightly less sturdy and supportive.

Best Blankets

I suggest having at least 5 of these Heavy Native Yoga Blankets to make sure you are well-supported in your Restorative Yoga journey.

Best Blocks

These are a good size blocks and come in lots of fun colors! I recommend getting three blocks - pick your favorite color here!

Eye Pillows

The best eye pillows I have found are nice and light and do not become too heavy over the time you are resting.

You could also opt for a sleep mask type eye covering which is nice for poses where you are resting on side body or belly down.

More Tips on Setting the Space to Rest

  • dim lighting like candles or salt lamps

  • soft music

  • cozy socks

  • calming essential oils

  • a journal

  • grounding crystals

  • prep for resting with fascia release self-massage