Breathing with the Moon


Happy almost Full Moon! This is your reminder that a full moon is a great time to explore your own fullness and wholeness. As I explore mine, I remember that even when I’m suffering, when I think I’m a hot mess, when I’m sucking at life, or shit just really sucks… I am still a whole ass human. We are all whole humans that deserves love, compassion, and presence. These softer qualities that our hearts may crave are best accessed from a state of connection.

A Practice For You:: Connecting with your Breath

One of my favorite ways to access connection is through the breath. The breath is a great companion and is always with you. So even when there are no other humans around, no emotional support pets, and no emotional support plants or trees - we can access connection through each inhale and each exhale. Here’s a guided meditation practice on breathing with the moon that you might try out as you consider your intention for this full moon.

Self-Care & Svādhyāya (Self-Study)

What areas in your life are you wanting to bring more awareness to your already whole self? It can feel lonely when we’re trying to push through the pain, “fix” ourselves (even though we’re not broken). It can seem like the smallest tasks suck all the energy we have away. In my 1:1 Calm & Connected Somatic Self-Care Container, I work with you to be with the pain, learn tools to support you through the tough times, and you how to be your own friend.

Book a Care Chat with me to see if we're a good fit to work together.

“Breathing is meditation; life is meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart.”

-Willow Smith