Connecting to the Cycles


Happy New Moon! Summer is summering and the moon is mooning! Connecting with the cycles of the seasons or the cycles of the moon can be a beautiful way to find harmony between our outer worlds and our inner worlds. I love hosting Moon Rituals for the community to welcome the full and new moons each month. These moon rituals include sharing our intentions, moving our body a bit, and lots of resting! Building ritual around around these cycles can be really powerful for connecting with our internal cycles.

Witnessing the cycles that we can witness outwardly can help us witness our internal cycles. The cycles of suffering, joy, grief, gratitude, shame, celebration, jealousy and intimacy. The cycles of tears that come through uncontrollable laughter and the tears that come through the deep ache of an ugly cry…. and everything in between. Noticing the cycles give me hope, realizing that nothing is permanent and when I’m feeling something I don’t want to be feeling, it won’t be that way forever.

A Practice For You:: Resting in the cycles

One way to notice cycles and remind us of the impermanence of each moment is to put our bodies on the ground, rest, and listen. Listen to our own experience without trying pushing it away with a tv, a phone, a computer, another person. If you want to try a resting practice at home, set aside 20 minutes - grab 4 blankets and a yoga bolster (or pillows) play this video, and let me guide you.

Self-Care & Svādhyāya (Self-Study)

What ways do you listen to yourself? How are you feeling about this invitation to rest? Does it seem inaccessible, scary, exciting, easy? Sometimes the rest feels inaccessible when we do it alone. If you’re needing someone to hold space for you to rest, to listen to you, to help you listen to yourself… maybe that’s me.

In my 1:1 Calm & Connected Somatic Self-Care Container, I work with you to explore ways that rest feels accessible for you, discovery the barriers to rest, and create space for you to find a rhythm of rest and self-care that serves you… which ultimately serves your family, your friends, your community, and humanity! I offer a Care Chat free of charge to see if we’re a good fit to work together.

“Rest is a healing salve with regenerative power. And we need that kind of anointed power right now.”

-Octavia Raheem