Happy Full Moon! My intention for the past several moon cycles has been joy. I've connected with joy in a different way. Instead of trying to create the joy for myself, I’ve been curious about what joy unfolds in any given moment. So I am discovering joy more than putting effort towards creating it. Less efforting to create joy in the winter seasons, yay! In my exploration of putting less effort to create joy, I've learned that I have space for more connection. When there is more connection, there is more bliss, delight, laughter, pleasure, enjoyment. I love what Ross Gay says, "Joy is something like what we feel when we help each other carry our sorrows, what we feel like when we realize we're practicing our entanglement, or belonging to one another." I have come to believe that sorrow is the forgetting of our interbelonging and joy is the remembering. We are individual beings that are connected through a larger web.
A Practice For You:: Resting is a Peaceful Act of Rebellion
I have a free practice here that was created a while back to inspire you discover joy while nourishing your shoulders and spine. You can find more of my pre-recorded practices on my Virtual Self-Care Bundle. Or if you’d rather connect in person, you can find my weekly classes and special events here.
Get Lit: Spark Joy
Self-Care & Svādhyāya (Self-Study)
Where can you feel into that interbelonging in your own life? Maybe when you're outside among the chestnut trees, the echoes of the birdsongs, or observing the quiet blanket of winter's snow? Or when you're holding hands with someone you love and you can't tell where one pulse begins and ends because they have created their own rhythm? Is it when you sing or dance or quietly gather with your favorite people? Maybe it's when you lock eyes with your fav family member in the midst of family chaos and offer a nod of solidarity? If it’s hard for you to feel connection and you’re looking for support, book a care chat and let’s connect!
“Sorrow is forgetting our connection to life, to one another, to the grand inter-belonging of existence. Joy is the act of remembering the hand outstretched for reconnection, for contact between othernesses”
-Maria Popova